TLC Learning Groups

Paid Courses Led by a Live Instructor


Ask questions, share your screen, and interact directly with your peers.


Meet new people to build your professional network.


Join a shared Slack channel where you can continue to stay connected with others who have taken the course.

How It Works


When you sign up for a course, you will then be grouped into a cohort of your peers.


Courses usually span 2-10 weeks, and the number of hours per week will vary by the course. Each course will vary depending on the format. Instructors may include time for lectures, networking with peers, assignments (optional), and open discussion.


When you take a course, you will gain access to 2 private Slack channels: 1) to stay in touch with your cohort and 2) to communicate with everyone else who has taken this course. During your course, your instructor will also be available in your cohort’s Slack channel.


Lectures may be recorded to share with students who are unable to attend a session, but the conversations you have in your learning group will not be recorded or shared externally.


The cost of each course is determined by the instructor, based on the course content and length. As a nonprofit, the TLC adds only minimal processing fees to these rates, ensuring prices are extremely competitive.

Watch the Announcement

Upcoming Learning Groups

Building Award-Winning Experimentation Cultures: Process, Data & Stats, Psychology, and UX
to May 19

Building Award-Winning Experimentation Cultures: Process, Data & Stats, Psychology, and UX

You will join interactive modules designed to apply the learning to your everyday work in Experimentation. We will cover everything you need to move forward in a practice of experimentation culture including:

  1. Process - structured methods for gathering knowledge about your customers at all stages, including various research methods

  2. Data & Statistics - you will understand the foundations of quality data and most importantly - how to turn that data into actionable insights

  3. Consumer Psychology - discover how consumer psychology and behavioral science work to boost conversion

  4. UX - bring everything together and enhance user experience through data-driven design

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Speaker Coaching with Michael Aagaard: Become a confident speaker & learn how to create an engaging presentation
to Jun 12

Speaker Coaching with Michael Aagaard: Become a confident speaker & learn how to create an engaging presentation

During this 7-session live cohort, you’ll learn how to: 

  • Manage nerves & deal with stage fright

  • Craft a solid structure & an engaging story line

  • Design a slide deck that is beautiful & impactful

  • Master delivery & develop a strong stage presence

  • Build confidence & discover your unique speaker personality

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The Good Experimental Design Workshop
to Feb 17

The Good Experimental Design Workshop

Do you feel 
intimidated by p-values, error types, alpha/beta, and confidence intervals? Well, Erin Weigel—an art school grad who stopped taking formal math classes at the age of 15 understands and uses these concepts daily—and YOU CAN, TOO. If you want to
gain confidence in 
A/B testing stats, 
join this 4-week intensive experimental design course. It will be fun, interesting, and above all USEFUL.

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